WorkPackage 2
To develop the technical infrastructure and tool support that will be required by real world applications in the Semantic Web, for example to support ontology development and maintenance, migration, sharing and integration. The tools and services developed in this workpackage will also support the activities described in the other work packages.
Description of work
Design and build OntoServer, the main organisational unit and infrastructure kernel, connect and adapt existing clients and develop new clients that hook up to OntoServer in order to provide additional tools and services. This work will consist of 4 main parts:
- developing OntoServer;
- connecting/adapting existing clients;
- developing a new client to semi-automatically extract light ontologies from legacy resources;
- developing a new inference engine client to support the ontology layer.
- D5 OntoServer architecture: A report describing the OntoServer architecture and API.
- D6 OntoServer prototype: A prototype of OntoServer.
- D7 OntoServer demonstrator: A fully functional demonstration version of OntoServer.
- D8 Triple Client: a demonstration of the RDF triple engine working as an OntoServer client.
- D9 SiLRi and OntoEdit Clients: a demonstration of the SiLRi inference engine and OntoEdit ontology engineering environment.
- D10 FaCT and OilEd Clients: a demonstration of the FaCT inference engine and OilEd clients.
- D11 LiFT Prototype: First prototype of LiFT client, using manual extraction.
- D12 LiFT Demonstrator: Demonstration version of LiFT including semi-automatic extraction.
- D13 Reasoner Prototype: A prototype of the new reasoner supporting reasoning with datatypes.
- D14 Reasoner Demonstrator: A fully functional demonstration version of the new reasoner.
Milestones and expected result
The expected result of this workpackage is an integrated collection of tools and services supporting real-world applications in the Semantic Web.
- MS5 OntoServer prototype (month 12).
- MS6 Triple client (month 18).
- MS7 Reasoner prototype (month 21).